Deciding to have your carpets cleaned should be a matter of when, not if. All carpets need to be deep cleaned at least once every two to three years. Deep cleaning removes all the dirt and carpet contaminants that naturally build up over time at the base and in the fibers of your carpet. Neglecting to deep clean your carpets can lead to unsanitary conditions in your home or business, and can eventually cause your carpets to discolor, smell and actually begin to decompose. Take positive action today. Call Sunbird Cleaning Services.

Why Sunbird Cleaning Services?
At Sunbird Cleaning Services, the customer comes first. From the first moment you contact Sunbird Cleaning Services for an estimate, representatives are friendly and professional. Estimates are all inclusive, so there will be no surprises on cleaning day. If, for some reason, a special issue comes up then no action will be taken until you fully understand and approve the recommended course of action. Cleaning sessions are arranged to fit into your schedule, and cleaning crews show up on time, bringing along all of the necessary equipment.
Note: Not all carpet cleaning organizations are like Sunbird Cleaning Services. Don't be fooled by prices that seem too good to be true - they most likely are. Per room offers usually apply to specific room sizes - costs will jump significantly for any additional square footage.
Eco Friendly Carpet Cleaning Services
We make every possible effort to provide green, Eco friendly carpet cleaning services. They keep all of their equipment, from large truck mounted machinery to smaller carpet cleaning tools, well serviced for top performance results. Carpet steam cleaning, the method that suitable for most carpets, is a green method that utilizes the cleaning power of steam to deodorize and disinfect carpets and upholstery too.
Carpet Cleaning Method
Steam cleaning has been shown to be one of the most efficient, if not the most efficient, carpet cleaning method available today. This, of course, depends on using the right equipment. Many do it yourself enthusiasts invest in consumer grade steam cleaners, or rent one and try to go it alone. Results will vary, and depend on several factors, such as the amateur's ability to follow instructions strictly. Even so, if the equipment is steam cleaning equipment is not strong enough, or not properly serviced, the results can be disastrous. Over wetting of carpets, which inhibits the drying process, is probably the most common DIY carpet cleaning mistake. Sunbird Cleaning Services's state of the art truck mounted water extraction equipment sucks out all of the moisture, and all of the debris, quickly and efficiently.
We have built its sterling reputation on providing the best in carpet steam cleaning services. Call Sunbird Cleaning Services at 310-593-4179 for a free, no hidden costs, estimate.